lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

verb Drop

to deliberately let something fall more...

to let something fall without intending to more...

to fall to the ground or into something more...

to quickly move downward, or to let yourself fall downward more...

to move part of your body downward more...

if someone’s jaw drops, or if their mouth drops open, their mouth opens suddenly because they are very surprised more...

if you drop your eyes or your gaze, you look downward more...

to let something fall from an aircraft more...

to fall into an area from an aircraft, especially using a parachute more...

to fall to a lower amount or value more...

to reduce something to a lower amount or value more...

if you drop your voice, or if your voice drops, you speak less loudly more...

if the wind drops, it becomes less strong more...

to not continue with something more...

to decide not to continue studying a school subject more...

to decide not to continue with a court case more...

to stop what you are doing in order to do something else more...

to not include something more...

to not include someone on a team more...

to not pronounce a letter when you say a word more...

to stop talking about something, especially because it is embarrassing someone more...

to end a relationship with someone, especially suddenly more...

to take someone to a place in a car, usually without getting out of the car yourself more...

to take something to a place and not stay there very long more...

to say something in an informal or indirect way more...

to fail to win points in a game, competition, or test more...

to swallow an illegal drug, especially acid more...

if the ground drops, it slopes downward more...

a very small amount of liquid with a round shape more...

a small amount of a drink more...

a fall in the amount or value of something more...

a distance down to the ground from a high place more...

a small amount of a particular quality more...

an occasion when something or someone is dropped from an aircraft more...

a small round candy more...

the act of leaving or delivering something in a place that has been agreed, especially something secret or illegal more...

liquid medicine that you put into your eyes, ears, or nose more...